Butte, Montana

WET completed an engineer/procure/construct contract to: 1) design and construct over 4,000 linear feet of industrial wastewater emergency bypass systems, 2) design and construct three industrial onsite pumpstations, and 3) design and construct one pumpstation for stormwater control.

Due to EPA Coal Combustion Residual (CCR) rules signed into law in 2018, substantial changes to a coal fired power plant’s drain systems were required to meet compliance. WET designed multiple pump systems to route these wastewater flows to an existing water treatment plant located on site. WET designed bypass systems to complete this task, and worked with five subcontractors to procure and construct these systems. The project required these systems be in place and operational within four months of the execution of the contract which required an expedited design timeline and construction during the winter. WET completed design tasks on time and budget to facilitate the fast-tracked construction timelines. WET provided construction oversite and project management to ensure systems were installed in accordance with contract requirements. WET designed and constructed contingency by-pass systems along with the primary pump stations to ensure the client would be in compliance with the CCR rules by the deadline specified in the contract.