Butte, Montana

WET is the lead consultant for the BSB Parks & Recreation Department to create a comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Trails (PROST) Plan. With the final remedy designs in progress for the Superfund area, BSB, along with several stakeholders, recognized the need to include this important community green space in the conversation. The PROST Plan is an integral step to ensure parks and open space are planned in conjunction with cleanup activities to maximize potential opportunities, manage timelines and implementations, and identify maintenance liabilities. The BSB PROST Plan includes:

  • An intensive public outreach strategy
  • Stakeholder interviews and continued communication
  • A complete inventory of the planning area (which included county-wide evaluations both physical and economic)
  • A community survey that produced a heat-map of community visions as well as an immediate maintenance list for the BSB Parks & Recreation Staff to review
  • A priority matrix for current and projected future needs of the community
  • An analysis of existing facilities, connectivity, and associated infrastructure
  • Operational evaluation and improvement plan
  • A five-year capital improvement plan (CIP) with preliminary master planning on multiple projects
  • A 20-year capital improvement project identification