Sheridan County, Wyoming

Based upon additional surface mine related disturbances associated with mine plan changes at the Youngs Creek Mine and the Arrowhead Road (Arrowhead Amendment), connecting the Youngs Creek Mine in Wyoming with the Spring Creek Mine in Montana, initial permitting for mine related impacts that begun under a NW 21 permit transformed into the need for a Standard or Individual Permit. Mitigation requirements for impacts of more than 25 acres to wetlands and nearly 17,000 linear feet of stream quickly narrowed mitigaton options to Permittee Responsible Mitigation. WET personnel (Aqua Terra Consultants, Inc., prior to 2021 merger of operations) completed the initial 4345 application with all attachments, followed by the Alternatives Analysis, as well as related Montana Joint Application and Wyoming 401 certification. In association with the consultant who had completed the ARI, Sheridan Office personnel prepared the NWO-2009-00654 Mitigation Plan for a a Section 404 CWA Individual Permit & Section 401 CWA Certification, Youngs Creek Mine and Transportation Corridors, dated March 2018. During the summer and fall of 2018, Sheridan Office personnel completed Scopes and Specifications for bidding of construction at all mitigation sites. Construction at two of the sites has been completed as of this date, with monitoring results trending to success. A third site is scheduled for construction activities during the fall and early winter of 2022.