Butte, Montana

The SHARP Plan for Silver-Bow County has been completed and adopted by Butte-Silver Bow (BSB) and incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. Managed by Water & Environmental Technologies (WET), the project was overseen by the National Center for Appropriate Technology and the Resilient Butte Committee, in partnership with Butte-Silver Bow and Montana Tech. The SHARP Plan takes an innovative approach by prioritizing funding to align action items with achievable implementation goals. The team collaborated with organizations across the state, such as Climate Smart Missoula, to identify opportunities and constraints.

The SHARP Plan:

  • Implements a robust public strategy to build recognition and support across the community.
  • Aligns the efforts of multiple organizations to a clear path.
  • Works with Montana Technological University to collaborate in outreach and research.
  • Identifies key community groups that were missing from the public input to develop a strategy to diversify response groups.
  • Identifies funding resources and assists in the preparation of grant writing.
  • Develops a toolkit for presenting the information.
  • Develops a branding and marketing campaign for the Resilient Butte Committee.
  • Communicates with stakeholders, such as the community health department, watershed committees, Action Inc, energy providers, and more.

The SHARP Plan also emphasizes the importance of fostering social cohesion and advancing social inclusion. It aims to lessen overall demand for energy and reliance on fossil fuels, increase the use of local renewable resources, and prepare for climate-related pressures and shocks. The plan includes strategies for protecting municipal watersheds, stabilizing and restoring contaminated properties, and redeveloping brownfields to safeguard public health.

For more detailed information, you can refer to the official document here.