January 1, 2018 was not only New Year’s Day, but day one of the new Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MPDES) Construction General Permit, referred to as the CGP.
When is a CGP needed?
If both of the following two criteria are met:
1. There are areas of ground disturbance or other potential pollutant sources due to the construction activity where a storm water discharge to state surface water can occur.
2. The construction activity has a total area of ground disturbance through clearing, excavating, grading, or placement/removal of earth material which is equal to or greater than one acre
This new CGP is a big deal because there are some changes in both the paperwork and procedures.
-The form Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is shorter, 10 pages versus 19 pages.
-Checklists are used to identify ‘potential pollutants’, ‘BMPs’, ‘major construction activity’, and ‘BMP phasing.’
-There are three choices on how to revise the SWPPP (revise SWPPP and site maps, use inspection reports and revise site maps, and updates in a log and revise site maps.
-Inspections can be delayed if severe winter conditions occur.
-Public signage is required beginning in 2021.
WHAT does the new CGP mean for construction projects that were started last year but not ready to be closed?
You need to submit a renewal. A renewal consists of an NOI and SWPPP. Additional fees are not needed AT THIS TIME.
WHO provides that service?
WET will gladly prepare renewal packages. We have an interview form with all the required site information identified.
WHY can’t I take care of the renewal myself?
You can if you are a certified SWPPP Administrator and your certification is current.
WHERE can I get recertified?
WET will gladly help (are you sensing a pattern here?) WET is one of the ‘acknowledged training provider by the state of Montana’. That means we provided a curriculum to the state, which was reviewed and approved for:
-BMP 201 SWPPP Preparer and Administrator Certification Program and
-BMP 201-R SWPPP Preparer and Administrator Recertification Program.
WHEN are trainings scheduled?
Our 2018 schedule will be announced soon.
Stay tuned!